Dear friends and colleagues!
Welcome to the website of «Kyiv Crane Machinery Plant LLC»!
«Kyiv Crane Machinery Plant LLC» is the possibility of manufacturing, delivery and installation of the following lifting equipment:
- Gantry cranes with lifting capacity up to 50 tons (TU U 29.2-21674530-006: 2005)
- Gantry cranes with lifting capacity up to 10 tons (TU U 29.2-22959884-009: 2004)
- Electrical overhead traveling crane hook, grab and special load-carrying capacity up to 50 tons (TU U 29.2-21674530-012: 2006)
- Cranes single-beam suspension up to 20 tons (TU U 29.2-21674530-017: 2006)
- Cranes single-beam support up to 20 tons (TU U 29.2-21674530-008: 2005)
- Jib cranes KS-1 (TU U 29.2-21674530-038: 2009)
- Cantilever-rotary lifting capacity up to 5,0t (TU U 29.2-21674530-018: 2006)
- Lifts freight GHG (TU U 29.2-21674530-044: 2011)
- Jacks electric rope and chain (PodemCrane AD, Bulgaria)
We look forward to a long and productive partnership.
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